Monday, January 26, 2009

Phase III Self Portrait

This is my newest self portrait. One of the design instructors graded it and like my idea! Since you cannot read the frame around my face, it is all of the names people know me as.
I am now at week 21 in the program. I have been working on the Phase 3 assignments and I will be at home on the 5th to do part of my work there.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Back to School

Well, we are all back at the art of photography.
This week we were in the portrait and commercial studios.
Here are two of my "Peeps"that I photographed (Monika & Steve).

We are beginning Phase 3 this week. We will be given our new assignments and start building our portfolios. Tomorrow we have two guest speakers at the school.

It snowed today and there was already a lot of snow on the ground. Had to miss church because the driveway was filled with snow.

Miss everyone and hope all of you are well!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

New Year

Photos: The winter sky at my mom's & Tina & boys and Alex
Ryan and Faith

The New Year is here! I am back in MA after Christmas vacation with family and friends. It was good to see everyone.

Classes resume tomorrow and it will be back to work. I am looking forward to improving my photography skills.